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Welcome to the North Brunswick Township Schools Enrollment Process!
Students are eligible to register for North Brunswick Township Schools if they live with a parent or guardian who is a legal resident of the district or with another legal resident who provides full financial support of the student.
STEP 1: To begin the online pre-registration process please click on the following link: *Online Pre Registration.
*If your child has previously attended North Brunswick Township Public Schools before SKIP TO STEP 2.
STEP 2: Print out and complete the enrollment packet by clicking on the link below. Complete one packet for each child you are registering.
STEP 3: Bring the completed enrollment packet along with the required documentation (listed on Page 1 of Enrollment Packet) to the Registration Department at the North Brunswick Township Schools Board of Education, 25 Linwood Place, North Brunswick, NJ 08902.
Completed packet and documentation must be brought in by a parent/guardian.
STEP 4: You will receive an email when your child's preliminary registration is complete explaining what you need to do to proceed.
QUESTIONS: Please call (732) 289-3040